WELCOME to the Crystal Fanatics Club™

Welcome CFC Members! to LIVE CHAT!

CFC CHATS are held every Wednesday Night at 9pm EST!


First Wednesday: 9pm EST from Florida Chat Host: CFC Member Trixi (nadia_kitty)

Second Wednesday: 9pm EST Chat on your own

Third Wednesday: 9pm EST from Toronto Canada. Chat Host: CFC Member
Marlene (m_duhig)

Fourth Wednesday: 9pm EST from Florida. Chat Host: CFC Founder
Pat King {pking100}

To JOIN the Chat Room:

Click the Live Voice Chat on the Blue Menus, OR,
Click the Live Chat LINK located on the upper right hand side of the Boards.
You must "register" with your CFC Log In name (you only do this once)
prior to your first visit to the CFC Chat Room, Click Register
Your password is not necessary. Then Click Log In.

See Ya in Chat!

Pat King

Questions? Email pat@crystalfanaticsclub.com